By Frank Breinling
In order to have a successful website the first thing you need to do is to develop a successful marketing strategy. You need to promote your website to those who may have the most interest or need for what you are offering for sale. Whether you are selling products, services or money making opportunities you still need to have a plan for getting your message to your target audience. You don't want to waste time and effort by randomly choosing targets you think "might be" interested. You will be more successful in your marketing efforts if you take the time to develop a marketing strategy rather than beginning without any kind of plan.
Why is it so important to identify your target audience? Wouldn't the law of averages help you reach more people? While those statements may seem sound and lead you to believe in their validity, quite the opposite is true. When you take the time to identify your target audience you will promote your business only to those who are most likely to be interested. Case in point: you live in Hawaii and sell surfboards. Would it be any advantage to promote your website to people living in Alaska? While you may pick up a few sales from those planning to go on vacation, the potential is minimal. The law of averages is not going to help you unless you reach those who have a need or desire for what you are offering.
You do not want to go in blindly when you begin to promote your website. Before you are ready for business you need to take the time to develop a plan—don't just sit down and start randomly promoting your website. This is important because only when you develop a plan first can you identify your target audience. In fact, before your website goes live you should already have a marketing plan in place and have begun marketing efforts.
Once your website goes live you should have nothing left to do on your initial efforts except to get the word out to potential customers that your website is ready for business. Your next marketing plan should focus on bringing in additional customers or prospects but still within the scope of your target audience. While some of your efforts may reach those outside of your target audience, you do not want to exert time and energy on the small numbers of customers you may reach.
Frank Breinling is a recognized expert in Affiliate Marketing. Here you can grab his FREE Report about Affiliate Marketing Ideas, his newest Project "Best Money List" you can find here
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sâmbătă, 7 august 2010
vineri, 6 august 2010
Internet Marketing Tips - How Many Choices Should You Give Your Prospects?
By Steven Wagenheim
As a consumer, we love choices. Nobody wants to walk into a store and have only one choice of a product. What if we don't like that one? What then? So choices are important. However, at what point do choices become so overwhelming that we end up confused and ultimately end up without making a purchase. So, how many choices are too many? How many are not enough? Well, it kind of depends on what the situation is. This article is going to give a few examples so you can see that there isn't a right or wrong here.
Let's start off with a simple sales page that's selling one product. On the surface, it would seem that this leaves the prospect only one choice. Well, actually, that's not true. A sales page, at minimum, leaves the prospect with two or don't buy. The reason I say "at minimum" is because a sales page can be setup to offer the prospect several choices.
For example, you could sell a product that teaches the prospect how to take advantage of a certain marketing niche as one choice another choice...offer them a membership that actually gives them information on a daily basis that will show them what niches they should target each day. This is actually the purpose of one of my products on Google Trends. So in this case, the prospect has three choices, one of course being not to purchase.
But what about getting into multiple choices? An example of this would be the review site. This is a site where we review several products that cater so solving one problem. Each product is rated on some kind of scale, say from 1-5, and then, the prospect can read each review and decide which product they want to purchase...or none of them at all. I've seen some review sites that have had dozens of products for one particular problem.
Okay, so the question effective or ineffective is this approach? Well, the only way you're going to find out is to test it. Put a site up with multiple reviews and see what your overall conversion percentage is. For example, if you get 100 visitors and get one sale from product 1, two sales from product 2 and one sale from product 3, that's an overall 5% conversion for the three products. If you add more products and your conversion goes up, then keep adding products until conversion drops.
It isn't an exact science. But eventually, each person is going to reach a point where they are presented with too many choices and end up leaving your site without making a purchase. When you reach the point where your conversion drops to zero, that's when you know you've gone beyond the bounds of what the average person would consider acceptable.
To YOUR Success,
Steven Wagenheim
Tired of spinning your wheels trying to get your marketing off the ground? Haven't got a clue what you're doing and sick of being dead broke? Why not get some solid mentoring from somebody who has been EXACTLY where you are today? Check out my mentoring program at and finally get yourself the one on one education that can FINALLY give you the success that you've been looking for.
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As a consumer, we love choices. Nobody wants to walk into a store and have only one choice of a product. What if we don't like that one? What then? So choices are important. However, at what point do choices become so overwhelming that we end up confused and ultimately end up without making a purchase. So, how many choices are too many? How many are not enough? Well, it kind of depends on what the situation is. This article is going to give a few examples so you can see that there isn't a right or wrong here.
Let's start off with a simple sales page that's selling one product. On the surface, it would seem that this leaves the prospect only one choice. Well, actually, that's not true. A sales page, at minimum, leaves the prospect with two or don't buy. The reason I say "at minimum" is because a sales page can be setup to offer the prospect several choices.
For example, you could sell a product that teaches the prospect how to take advantage of a certain marketing niche as one choice another choice...offer them a membership that actually gives them information on a daily basis that will show them what niches they should target each day. This is actually the purpose of one of my products on Google Trends. So in this case, the prospect has three choices, one of course being not to purchase.
But what about getting into multiple choices? An example of this would be the review site. This is a site where we review several products that cater so solving one problem. Each product is rated on some kind of scale, say from 1-5, and then, the prospect can read each review and decide which product they want to purchase...or none of them at all. I've seen some review sites that have had dozens of products for one particular problem.
Okay, so the question effective or ineffective is this approach? Well, the only way you're going to find out is to test it. Put a site up with multiple reviews and see what your overall conversion percentage is. For example, if you get 100 visitors and get one sale from product 1, two sales from product 2 and one sale from product 3, that's an overall 5% conversion for the three products. If you add more products and your conversion goes up, then keep adding products until conversion drops.
It isn't an exact science. But eventually, each person is going to reach a point where they are presented with too many choices and end up leaving your site without making a purchase. When you reach the point where your conversion drops to zero, that's when you know you've gone beyond the bounds of what the average person would consider acceptable.
To YOUR Success,
Steven Wagenheim
Tired of spinning your wheels trying to get your marketing off the ground? Haven't got a clue what you're doing and sick of being dead broke? Why not get some solid mentoring from somebody who has been EXACTLY where you are today? Check out my mentoring program at and finally get yourself the one on one education that can FINALLY give you the success that you've been looking for.
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miercuri, 4 august 2010
Business Marketing Online Opportunity - Are You Selling Information?
By Ryan Parenti
The business marketing online opportunity for building an information empire is huge. Discover the secret to building a profitable online marketing business here.
If you have been marketing online you have probably noticed that there are so many different opportunities out there. You can sell hard goods, you can do network marketing, and countless other types of ways to make money online. But here is the best.
If you really want to make tons of cash online then you want to sell information products. Why? They cost nothing to produce and can be done very easily. It is very low barrier of entry and everyone knows something about something.
The trick is you simply need to create an information product, like and ebook or video tutorial, and get it in front of a desperate crowd. Or maybe I should say you need to find a desperate crowd and get an information product in from of them.
You need to know that selling information is the wave of the future. You don't have to produce any real product and many times you can sell digital downloads that can be worth their weight in gold. If you compare it to traditional brick and mortar business there is no comparison. Information marketing is the way to go.
The truth is that there is so much potential out there and the one tip to sell digital information products is simply a million dollar idea. Let's say for example you are selling a print newsletter.
You could instantly increase your profits by offering a digital subscription because there would be no over head. You would not have to pay materials at all.
The truth is the sky is the limit!
Want to know more about making huge dollars online? Check out this Crazy Free Offer and start cashing in today!
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The business marketing online opportunity for building an information empire is huge. Discover the secret to building a profitable online marketing business here.
If you have been marketing online you have probably noticed that there are so many different opportunities out there. You can sell hard goods, you can do network marketing, and countless other types of ways to make money online. But here is the best.
If you really want to make tons of cash online then you want to sell information products. Why? They cost nothing to produce and can be done very easily. It is very low barrier of entry and everyone knows something about something.
The trick is you simply need to create an information product, like and ebook or video tutorial, and get it in front of a desperate crowd. Or maybe I should say you need to find a desperate crowd and get an information product in from of them.
You need to know that selling information is the wave of the future. You don't have to produce any real product and many times you can sell digital downloads that can be worth their weight in gold. If you compare it to traditional brick and mortar business there is no comparison. Information marketing is the way to go.
The truth is that there is so much potential out there and the one tip to sell digital information products is simply a million dollar idea. Let's say for example you are selling a print newsletter.
You could instantly increase your profits by offering a digital subscription because there would be no over head. You would not have to pay materials at all.
The truth is the sky is the limit!
Want to know more about making huge dollars online? Check out this Crazy Free Offer and start cashing in today!
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marți, 3 august 2010
Change Your Thinking - It Could Change Your Life
By Zak Alonso
Is your life is a rut, or are you just in a job that's going nowhere, or, like me, were actually doing very well but basically marketing a product that nobody wanted in a recession, like real estate. If you have talent and don't mind hard work for high reward then it's time to change your thinking as it could well change your life.
The reality here is that there are so many people and so many people putting there energies into careers and companies that have to be more and more competitive in a shrinking market and that's the case almost everywhere. Just think about this for a minute.
1 China is the number one English speaking country in the world
2 25% of India's population with the highest IQs is more than the total population than the USA. This means India has more Honours Kids than America has Kids
3 The Ten in demand jobs in 2010 did not exist in 2004
4 We are currently training students for jobs that don't exist using technologies that haven't been invented.
5 1 in 4 Workers have been with there employer less than a year.
6 1in 8 Couple in the USA who married last year met online.
7 In 2009 there were 31 Billion searches on Google every month in 2006 that was 2.7 Billion.
8 The Number of internet devices In 1984 was 1000, in 1992 One Million and in 2010 one thousand Million
So what does that tell you? For me it tells us the world is a moving target and there is one stand out growth business when all the other business's in the world are contracting and that's the internet and that is a moving target that is changing daily but for those of you who are able to grasp this nettle and change your thinking then you truly have a wonderful opportunity ahead of you.
The only problem is the real new prospects in the brand new Gold Rush are also mixed with some blatant rip off merchants but if you do your research correctly and look at the real opportunities that represent real work for real money with a new way of thinking then you could be earning 6 figures a month in no time at all.
So do you have what it takes to change your thinking and change your life?
If your want to know exactly how change your thinking can really help you contact Zak Alonso at his blog alternatively have a look at how you can change your life online
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Is your life is a rut, or are you just in a job that's going nowhere, or, like me, were actually doing very well but basically marketing a product that nobody wanted in a recession, like real estate. If you have talent and don't mind hard work for high reward then it's time to change your thinking as it could well change your life.
The reality here is that there are so many people and so many people putting there energies into careers and companies that have to be more and more competitive in a shrinking market and that's the case almost everywhere. Just think about this for a minute.
1 China is the number one English speaking country in the world
2 25% of India's population with the highest IQs is more than the total population than the USA. This means India has more Honours Kids than America has Kids
3 The Ten in demand jobs in 2010 did not exist in 2004
4 We are currently training students for jobs that don't exist using technologies that haven't been invented.
5 1 in 4 Workers have been with there employer less than a year.
6 1in 8 Couple in the USA who married last year met online.
7 In 2009 there were 31 Billion searches on Google every month in 2006 that was 2.7 Billion.
8 The Number of internet devices In 1984 was 1000, in 1992 One Million and in 2010 one thousand Million
So what does that tell you? For me it tells us the world is a moving target and there is one stand out growth business when all the other business's in the world are contracting and that's the internet and that is a moving target that is changing daily but for those of you who are able to grasp this nettle and change your thinking then you truly have a wonderful opportunity ahead of you.
The only problem is the real new prospects in the brand new Gold Rush are also mixed with some blatant rip off merchants but if you do your research correctly and look at the real opportunities that represent real work for real money with a new way of thinking then you could be earning 6 figures a month in no time at all.
So do you have what it takes to change your thinking and change your life?
If your want to know exactly how change your thinking can really help you contact Zak Alonso at his blog alternatively have a look at how you can change your life online
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duminică, 1 august 2010
Home Based Business Opportunity Seeker - Is That You?
By Zak Alonso
Had enough of spending all your life commuting in the car and not having enough time for you and your family and would love the opportunity to work from home. It that's you a home based opportunity seeker then that opportunity could be a lot closer than you think.
Did you know that the internet is a real huge source of work from home and some opportunities being too good to turn down?
However before you consider working from home there are certain things you seriously need to ask yourself.
1 Do you have the discipline to manage your time and work to proper time management schedules
2 Do you have the discipline to stop working when you have completed your day's plan of action?
3 Are you a positive person who is prepared to think outside of the box.
4 Do you have enough control over home factors to be able to be in control and not be distracted from your tasks that need to be completed?
The answers to those entire question will be different depending on you own circumstances but if the answer is yes then you can start to look an opportunities that might suit you.
The fact your reading an article like this one shows that your interested in finding out what options are out there for a Home Based Business Opportunity Seeker.
You might also have concerns that you will actually get paid for the work you do and you might be a great sales person and be worried about being roped into pyramid selling. However if you're a positive person you need to put all that to one side and do your own research like I did and find what works best for you.
In reality you have two legitimate avenues, the first being data processing from home from companies that want to farm that out via the internet which is obviously much more cost effective for them and the career I chose that of an internet Marketeer which is helping companies who sell there products online find new customers for those products and if you do everything by the book you should be successful at it.
If that is the avenue you chose to go down as a Home Based Business Opportunity Seeker then just make sure you do your research correctly and look for things like quality testimonials and if you see more than one person recommending the same company that has to be a good starting point.
If your want to know exactly how being a Home Based Business Opportunity Seeker can really help you contact Zak Alonso at his blog alternatively have a look at how you can change your life online
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Had enough of spending all your life commuting in the car and not having enough time for you and your family and would love the opportunity to work from home. It that's you a home based opportunity seeker then that opportunity could be a lot closer than you think.
Did you know that the internet is a real huge source of work from home and some opportunities being too good to turn down?
However before you consider working from home there are certain things you seriously need to ask yourself.
1 Do you have the discipline to manage your time and work to proper time management schedules
2 Do you have the discipline to stop working when you have completed your day's plan of action?
3 Are you a positive person who is prepared to think outside of the box.
4 Do you have enough control over home factors to be able to be in control and not be distracted from your tasks that need to be completed?
The answers to those entire question will be different depending on you own circumstances but if the answer is yes then you can start to look an opportunities that might suit you.
The fact your reading an article like this one shows that your interested in finding out what options are out there for a Home Based Business Opportunity Seeker.
You might also have concerns that you will actually get paid for the work you do and you might be a great sales person and be worried about being roped into pyramid selling. However if you're a positive person you need to put all that to one side and do your own research like I did and find what works best for you.
In reality you have two legitimate avenues, the first being data processing from home from companies that want to farm that out via the internet which is obviously much more cost effective for them and the career I chose that of an internet Marketeer which is helping companies who sell there products online find new customers for those products and if you do everything by the book you should be successful at it.
If that is the avenue you chose to go down as a Home Based Business Opportunity Seeker then just make sure you do your research correctly and look for things like quality testimonials and if you see more than one person recommending the same company that has to be a good starting point.
If your want to know exactly how being a Home Based Business Opportunity Seeker can really help you contact Zak Alonso at his blog alternatively have a look at how you can change your life online
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