sâmbătă, 31 iulie 2010

Entrepreneur Business Opportunity - If You Have the Right Mindset

By Zak Alonso

Change Your Thinking Change Your Life is a book by Brian Tracy which inspired the book The One Coach Minute coach by the wonderful Masha Malka the lady who I consider my life coach and the person that changed my life and now if you have the capacity to change your thinking I am going to change your life.
My life changed for the better listening to Talk Radio Europe in Marbella Spain in November 2009 when Masha Malka was being interviewed about her new book and she immediately hit a cord with me when she said what is Einstein's definition of insanity, the answer being doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Translated if it isn't working try something different.
Now how does that translate to an Entrepreneur Business Opportunity I hear you asking? Well its all about state of mind and if you have the way with all to change your thinking and mindset because if you cant your doomed. Another piece from Masha's wonderful book is a story of a boy drawing God at school and the teacher pointing out that he couldn't draw God because no one knew what he looked like. The little boy replied they will do when I have finished drawing.
Masha's book and my subsequent meeting with her changed my focus forever and then a set of fortunate sliding doors has led me to writing this article which is also very fortunate for you because if you want to change your life then this article might show you an option that will do exactly that.
So what is this Entrepreneur Business Opportunity that I talk about well it for those who are prepared to work hard, have a positive mental attitude and prepared to change there thinking there is a career in the number one growth industry of the world, the Internet..
Basically there are literally 100s of fantastic products marketed exclusively on the internet and if you can work out the formula to help those companies sell there product you can be earning a six figure sum every month.
The best part is there is that the formula already exists and you only have to do your internet research to pick the right avenue and your life could change forever. Now that's what I call an Entrepreneur Business Opportunity
If your want to know exactly how Entrepreneur Business Opportunity can really help you contact Zak Alonso at his blog alternatively have a look at how you can change your life.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Zak_Alonso

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